Hi all,
I thought I would share with you this quick Powershell script I created to Export an oracle database, 7Zip it and then upload it to AmazonS3
param([String]$dumpname=(get-date -format dd-MM-yyyy)) Set-Alias sz "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe" expdp <myDbUser>/<mypasswd> DIRECTORY=dmpdir DUMPFILE=$dumpname.dmp LOGFILE=$dumpname.log sz a -mx "$dumpname.7z" "$dumpname.*" Write-S3Object -bucket "company-ps" -profilename brian.keating -file "$dumpname.7z" -key "customer/dbdumps/$dumpname.7z" remove-item "$dumpname.dmp" remove-item "$dumpname.log" |
How it works:
It uses the current date as the dumpname variable (unless specified as a parameter to the script)
It uses Oracle DbPump to export the database (assumes 7-Zip is installed in %\program files\)
It then writes the 7z file to AWS S3
Finally it removes the dump and log files.
AWS Powershell
ASW Powershell is installed on this server and I have already set a profile “brian.keating” with the following command.
set-awscredentials –AccessKey <ACCESSKEY> –SecretKey <KEY> -storeAs brian.keating
The server in this case is running in AWS, the 7zipped db is about 4Gb, and it uploads to S3 in about 30seconds (nice!)